WP Housing provides an expert opinion service on matters related to cost management, construction contracts, and construction disputes. We can prepare expert evidence relating to issues such as project costs, construction defects, delays, and damages.

Our services embrace the following:

  • Preparing Expert Reports: Our professional team can prepare expert reports for use in legal proceedings, such as litigation, arbitration, or mediation. These reports can set out the expert’s opinion on the relevant issues and provide analysis and evidence to support that opinion.
  • Conducting Forensic Analysis: We can conduct forensic analysis of construction projects to identify issues that may be relevant to a legal dispute. This may include reviewing project documentation, construction schedules, and financial records.
  • Providing Expert Testimony: WP Housing experts can deliver testimony in legal proceedings. They can be cross-examined on their expert reports and provide additional evidence to support their opinion.
  • Supporting Legal Teams: Providing support to legal advisers involved in construction disputes. This may include advising on strategy, assisting with document review, and providing technical expertise.

WP Housing’s valuable expert witness services in construction disputes helps to ensure that legal proceedings are resolved fairly and efficiently. Our expertise in cost management, construction contracts, and construction disputes can be invaluable in helping to resolve disputes and achieve successful outcomes.




© 2023 WP Housing, a trading name for Walker Pritchard Limited. All rights rerserved.

A member of the Walker Pritchard Partnership