Using our expertise in cost management, property valuation, and maintenance planning to help our clients maximise the value of their assets


WP Housing can provide asset management services utilising our extensive residential investment and affordable housing sector expertise in strategic planning, asset performance and optimisation, cost management, property valuation, and maintenance planning to help our clients maximise the social, economic, and environmental value of their assets.

Our asset management services include:

  • Asset Performance: The housing regulator requires boards to truly understand their housing stock and its current and future performance. Our team determine current and future economic, environmental performance, demand and customer satisfaction.
  • Option Appraisals: Asset performance is the starting point for option appraisals which inform the design of future investment plans and asset uses to achieve create value and ensure the customer experience.
  • Regeneration: This takes many forms, including redevelopment, utilising garage sites and vacant land, and enhancing the public realm to improve asset performance. It also provides the opportunity for customer, community and stakeholder engagement. Our team have extensive of all aspects to deliver tangible benefits beyond the property assets.
  • Communication: Creating active engagement of customers, community, stakeholders and media is critical and needs to be supported by an Engagement and Communication Plan which enables considered swift communication to planned and unplanned events to maintain and manage reputational and project risk. Our team and wider partners support clients by utilising a wide range of communication channels.
  • Life-Cycle Costing: Our team use life-cycle costing techniques to help clients make informed decisions about the long-term costs of owning and maintaining a property which can be evaluated on economic, environmental and social metrics.
  • Maintenance Planning: The team at WP Housing can help clients to develop maintenance plans that ensure their assets are properly maintained and that maintenance costs are kept under control.
  • Capital Expenditure Planning: Using our experience we can advise clients on the most cost-effective ways to invest in their assets, including identifying opportunities for refurbishment or redevelopment.
  • Risk Management: When budgets are under pressure WP Housing can help clients to identify and manage risks associated with their assets, including risks related to maintenance, obsolescence, and market conditions.
  • Procurement: Using our extensive cost management, procurement and contract experience our team can design, deliver and implement procurement across the maintenance and repairs services spanning main contractors through to material suppliers.

As an experienced team, we deliver a range of asset management services that help clients to maximize the value of their assets over the long term.




© 2023 WP Housing, a trading name for Walker Pritchard Limited. All rights rerserved.

A member of the Walker Pritchard Partnership